Saturday, November 10, 2012

Options for the Beginner and Beyond (Edward Olmstead)

   Okay, so if you're an options trader, or trade options on the side, YOU NEED THIS BOOK IN YOUR TOOLBELT. 

The Arthur, Edward Olmstead, is a very accomplished individual with the brains to prove it. Olmstead is a professor of applied mathematics at McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Northwestern University. 

His book is dry and straight to the point. He does a really job of explaining Options fundamentals. Like, what a call option is versus a put option, what it means to buy these types of options and sell them as well. Olmstead is a master of mathematics and handles numbers very well. Through countless examples, Olmstead goes to great length to show you just how each option behaves according to price action, including whether it is smarter to sell an option versus exercising them, how to use/create risk graphs, time decay, vertical spreads (such as bull or bear credit/debit spreads), back spreads, advanced calendar spreads, iron condors, double diagonals, backspreads, butterflies --you name it.

For anyone hoping to become a decent options traders, THIS BOOK IS A MUST READ.

A picture of Olmstead


  1. I also read this book and have to say that it really helped me to trade options. At least I hope so. Agree that it is must for option traders.

  2. hi andria! thank for your reply! you're the first ever person to actually post something on my blog! hurray! :-)
