Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The 5 Most Important Economic Indicators

   Most everyone is trying to get a handle on what's happening with the economy lately. The best way to do that is by looking at economic indicators, a compilation of statistics provided by various government agencies, such as the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Economists and investors pore over this data like tea leaves, looking for signs of an economic recovery or slowdown, as the case may be.

The average person may be put off by the statistics, but below we demystify this esoteric information to make it more accessible. We focus on those indicators that measure what consumers are doing. After all, consumer spending accounts for 70 percent of all economic activity. It's the biggest chunk of gross domestic product, or GDP, which is the value of all goods and services produced in the U.S. That means it's watched very carefully.

1. Jobs numbers + employment (first friday of month)

2. Retail sales (second week of month)

3. Personal income and outlays

4. Consumer price index

5. New-home sales

The personal income and outlays report is released about a month following the month surveyed, usually on the last day of the month or the first business day of the next month.

This report measures consumers' income and how much they are saving -- plus, how much they're spending and where they're spending it.

Negative changes in income can indicate that consumers are, or soon will be, spending less. When consumers don't spend, the economy suffers.

In general, high levels of income lead to strong spending, but other trends may be in play. The report can show increases in income with less spending or increases in spending with decreases in income -- obviously a bad sign.

The report tracks spending in some general areas, such as durable goods, nondurable goods and services.

The inclusion of services makes this an important report to follow. Services include such things as hair cuts, airline tickets and financial services.

"Depending on the month, services make up two-thirds of overall consumer spending, so it is a pretty big component," says Bernard Baumohl, author of "The Secrets of Economic Indicators: Hidden Clues to Future Economic Trends and Investment Opportunities."

The personal income and outlays report does come out later than other indicators, so it doesn't generate as much interest as reports released earlier in the reporting cycle, such as the retail sales report.

Retail sales

The retail sales report is released about two weeks after the month surveyed ends.
It measures all the retail sales for the month -- but not only to consumers. The report does include some nonconsumer elements.

"Building supply stores sell primarily to contractors, not to consumers. Office superstores sell primarily to small business (and) some consumers, but in the retail sales data report they are fully included," says Scott Hoyt, senior director of consumer economics at Moody's Economy.com.

In comparison, the personal income and outlays report includes only consumer spending. The two reports are generally consistent with each other and corroborate findings.

"From an economist's perspective, the consumer spending data is really a better measure of what consumers are buying. But on the other hand, (the personal income and outlays report) comes out two weeks later for the same period. It's just not as high profile an indicator," Hoyt says.

Though the retail sales report does reveal whether consumers are spending or whether that spending is dropping off, the report is subject to large revisions.

Consumer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index, or CPI, is released every month, usually two or three weeks after the month surveyed.

Economists focus on two CPI numbers. One is the overall CPI and the other is the core CPI, which is the overall number minus vital products such as oil and food products, which are excluded because of their price volatility.

"The Consumer Price Index is basically an attempt to measure consumer prices. It is a fixed basket of goods and, at least on a conceptual level, they go and measure the price of those goods and see how it changes," Hoyt says.

The CPI is used as a measure of inflation.

"If you're getting only a 5 percent increase in your pay in a year and because of inflation the prices of the goods that you buy went up 5 percent, you're really not making any more money," says Baumohl.

"Your purchasing power hasn't changed at all," he says.

New-home sales

The new-residential-sales report is released three or four weeks following the month surveyed.

New home sales have a bigger impact on GDP than do existing home sales, even though sales of new homes make up only 15 percent of the entire housing industry -- even less than that for 2008. New home sales accounted for less than 10 percent of all sales last year, according to data from the National Association of Realtors' existing home sales report and the new residential sales report released by the U.S. Census Bureau.

"There is a lot more spending (by business) that goes on ... when you construct a new home rather than selling an existing home, where you simply switch titles. We get much more of a bang for the buck," Baumohl says.

"The new-housing market makes up about 5 percent of the GDP. That doesn't sound like much, but we're talking about all of the components that go into building a home: copper, wood, gravel (and) workers, all that together makes up 5 percent," he says.

When you consider all the buying that people do before they move into their new homes -- furniture, appliances and electronics, for instance -- all of that spending activity increases the new-home market to about 25 percent of the GDP according to author Baumohl.

Employment situation

A big daddy of economic reports is the employment report. It is released on the first Friday of the month following the month surveyed.

The employment report actually comprises a couple of different surveys. One is the household survey in which households are called and asked questions about their employment status.

"They ask them whether or not they are employed or whether or not they are in the work force. That means: Do they have a job or are they looking? (Are they) a student or someone who is retired -- or are they someone who has just given up looking for a job?" Hoyt says.

"From that data you derive the unemployment rate," he says.

The unemployment rate doesn't always tell the whole picture. Not included in the headline number are those unemployed workers who have given up trying to find a job and those who are working part time because they can't find a full-time position.

The other component is the establishment survey which asks businesses how many people are on their payrolls.

Though the household survey provides the headline-grabbing unemployment rate, investors and economists look toward the establishment survey to get a more comprehensive view of the economy and industry.

"The headline that economists focus on the most is the overall nonfarm payroll. It's derived from the establishment survey," says Rick MacDonald, director of investment research and analysis at Action Economics.

"Every month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics gets a report from employers and they actually say how many people were added or subtracted from their payroll," he says.

The number can be broken down from the total to various industries.
Beyond the sound-bite-ready headline number and nonfarm payrolls statistic, there are pages and pages of numbers. According to Baumohl, the real value lies in these data.

For instance, temporary employment agency statistics are buried within the employment report.

"They will turn up almost instantly once the economy recovers, long before anyone knows if the economy is recovering or not. Usually it is the temporary employment agencies that start to see an immediate increase in hiring," Baumohl says.

For anyone with an interest in the economy or investing, getting to know some of the economic reports can be illuminating.

"Frankly if you are an investor and you make the effort, chances (are) you will make the right decision more than 50 percent of the time," says Baumohl. "And if you make the right choices more than 50 percent of the time, then you're doing it correctly."

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My 7-Star Winning Trading Strategy (the JG-7)

   Picking a winning stock is crucial to winning. My 7 star stock picking strategy offers a layered approach to picking a stock. As you shop for stocks, apply the 7 criteria. For each of the criteria met while analyzing stock metrics, apply a star. Obviously, the more stars the merrier!

1)    Is daily volume up over positive price change?

2)    Is OBV trending upward?
(fairly straight rising diagonal line?)

3)    Has volume moved above 20 day MA?

4)    Does SAR indicate positive price positioning?

5)   Is daily volume at least 200k+?

6)   Is stock gaining on or beating daily average volume?

7)   Is stock trending upward?
If in consolidation/sideways pattern,
has price history moved below/above current price at least twice?


It’s an obvious indication a stock is gaining momentum when its share price rises. Using this basic criteria for finding stock candidates should help narrow the playing field straight out the door.

Volume is without question the most valuable indicator of a stock’s performance. Volume alone, however, says little about the direction of a stock’s price. If volume increase or decreases, it says nothing about how much of that volume was derived from buying or selling. OBV, however, subtracts buying from selling to give you an idea as to whether or not the stock is being bought or sold.  OBV is an invaluable indicator, showing you the direction of price.

If volume breaks through recent moving averages, it’s a good indication there is much interest in the stock. Be sure to assess whether or not the moving average was broken based on positive price movement. If price moves down on high-than-usual volume, that’s a sign the stock is failing.

Watch the SAR closely, studying recent price performance in conjunction with trend continuations/reversals to gauge whether or not the stock is aligning for a positive/negative alignment.

If a stock price was moved below or above the current price at least 2 times in history, it is a good indicator that the stock and underlying sentiment towards the stock is resilient. History has a way of repeating itself.

Ensuring the stock has traded on or above at least 200k shares a day covers the fluency of your entrance/exit of a stock, reduces volatility, and rapid price decreases.

Never trade into a down-trend. Look for stocks poised with an upward bias. This seems simple enough, but way too easy to forget!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The 100 Best Exchange Traded ETFs You Can Buy 2012. (Peter Sander, Scott Bobo)

  The very fact one of the author's last name is "Bobo" should have been a warning, but optimist me took the bait anyway. While I can't say much of this book in terms of good financial advice (nor literary prose), it did give what it thought were a list of the best 100 ETF choices based on some pretty reasonable criteria, nice text-book introduction to ETFs, including transparent rationale. Be advised, though, the authors rationale for their ETF picks seemed to be geared only towards those who wish to go long on their positions, create a foundational investment for their portfolio, and hedge against risk.

I'd still recommend to anyone wanting to use ETFs more opportunistically, or anyone else wanting to get into ETFs to just cut to the chase by visiting the ETF Database:  http://etfdb.com/

The ETF database offers quick accessible information on ETFs including; definitions, functions, aim, and performance metrics.